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Figurative Dreamscapes     I     2017-2018


Since C. G. Jung’s extensive work on mapping the unconscious, dreams have been widely understood as the language of the unconscious. While some may dismiss dreams as a negligible by-product of the psyche, the realization that we spend nearly half our lives in an unconscious state invites us to explore this mysterious realm more deeply.

In 2017-2018, I painted dreamscapes based on my own dreams. Immersing myself in dream analysis allowed me to view not only dream images but all imagery through the lens of the unconscious. This led me to develop a method of dream representation, transforming real images into dreamlike ones by moving them into the oneiric realm. These works attempt to authentically portray the unconscious, merging reality with the symbolic language of dreams and tapping into the deeper, shared truths of the collective psyche.

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